World Sailing
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Comments on rule questions, new interpretations, problems, unpopular Rule 62 (Redress) decisions, summary of the facts, conclusions and decisions of Rule 69 (Allegations of Gross Misconduct) actions, problems with Sailing Instructions or Notice of Race and experience with experimental procedures.
The event was conducted with on the water umpiring using a class approved Appendix UF as well as on the water penalty turns for breaking CR C3.3 and C9.4.

As this was a corinthian event, the class had an official from WS Sailor Categorization Commission present on site during registration process and the first part of racing. One competitor prior to completing the registration process had to do a crew substitution due to a valid medical reason. The replacement sailor was obtained and raced in the practice race and first day of the event.
It was determined during the first day of racing that this crew member / sailor had failed to inform WS of his change of status and was still listed as Group 1 even though he knew should be a Group 3. The boat raced with this crew member in first 3 races of the qualification series. The official from the commission immediately changed the sailors classification to Group 3 and back dated it to end of the last contract the individual had. An investigation and a RRS 69 hearing was held with the identified sailor. A further investigation associated with the boat owner occurred. This resulted in a RRS 69 hearing. As result of the hearings, the boat was penalized in the races that the ineligible sailor participated in, scored DNE. - CANRS1
Ner of classes: 1
Entries: 109
Ner of Countries represented: 14
Ner of Races sailed: 12
Ner of requests for redress: 3
Ner of requests for redress for OCS: 3
Ner of requests for OCS granted: 2
Total number of hearings: 36
Total number of arbitrations: 3
Number of % penalties: 2
To be completed only if Appendix P was applied.
Number of First Penalties (Appendix P2.1): 0
Number of Second Penalties (Appendix P2.2): 0
Number of Third Penalties (Appendix P2.3): 0
P2.3 Subsequent Penalties: 0
J70 Corinthian World Championship
Date Event Started
4 June 2024
Event Location:
RDYC, Skovshoved, Denmark, DEN
Group Event belongs:
G - Scandinavia
Jury Chairman's name:
Robert Stewart
Jury chairman's email:
Judge submitting report:
Robert Stewart
Email of judge submitting report:
PRO at event :
Mark Forster
PRO sailorID and status:
Email of PRO:
Was this an International Jury Panel ?
Please name each judge (including the chairman) and their country and IJ or NJ certification. one per line
Robert Stewart CANRS1 / IJ
Mathias Rebholz GERMR11 / IJ
Finn Mrugalla GERFM4 / IJ
Sandra Hatch NORSH19 / NJ
Paw Hagen DENPH6 / IJ
Niclas Fure NORNF3 / NJ
Howard Elliott AUSHE3 / IJ
Sven Andersen DENSA1 / NJ
Robert Stewart CANRS1 / IJ
Mathias Rebholz GERMR11 / IJ
Finn Mrugalla GERFM4 / IJ
Sandra Hatch NORSH19 / NJ
Paw Hagen DENPH6 / IJ
Niclas Fure NORNF3 / NJ
Howard Elliott AUSHE3 / IJ
Sven Andersen DENSA1 / NJ