Comments on rule questions, new interpretations, problems, unpopular Rule 62 (Redress) decisions, summary of the facts, conclusions and decisions of Rule 69 (Allegations of Gross Misconduct) actions, problems with Sailing Instructions or Notice of Race and experience with experimental procedures.
A report alleging poor sportsmanship was submitted to the Jury by the tactitian on a boat that had been the protestor in a protest found to be invalid. The allegation was against the protestee in the invalid protest. The said allegation was investigated by the jury which determined that a hearing was not warranted.
In a Black Flag start a boat which was identified OCS was found to have been compelled to break rule 30.3 and was therefore exonerated. However, the said boat had, on being advised that she was OCS by radio, retired and had therefore not sailed the course and complied with rule 28.1. The jury found that the boat had not been compelled to break rule 28.1 and declined to reinstate the boat or grant redress.
The contrary very light wind conditions made race management very difficult. The Race Officer handled the conditions in a calm careful manner. However, there were long postponments which some competitors found frustrating.
Courses were generally true and the starting lines square with the wind.
The RC's task was made more difficult by the undisciplined starting behaviour of many boats when starting which resulted in General Recalls and the RC having to to apply rules 30.1 and 30.3 to get races under way.
Ner of classes: 2
Entries: 127
Ner of Countries represented: 15
Ner of Races sailed: 7
Ner of requests for redress: 6
Ner of requests for redress for OCS: 3
Ner of requests for OCS granted: 1
Total number of hearings: 17
Total number of arbitrations: 0
Number of % penalties: 0
To be completed only if Appendix P was applied.
Number of First Penalties (Appendix P2.1): 0
Number of Second Penalties (Appendix P2.2): 0
Number of Third Penalties (Appendix P2.3): 0
P2.3 Subsequent Penalties: 0
2011 ORC World Championship
Date Event Started
18 June 2011
Event Location:
Cres, Croatia, AUS
Group Event belongs:
B - Central Europe
Jury Chairman's name:
Phil Mostyn
Jury chairman's email:
Judge submitting report:
Phil Mostyn
Email of judge submitting report:
PRO at event :
Bojan Gale
PRO sailorID and status:
( IRO )
Email of PRO:
Was this an International Jury Panel ?
Please name each judge (including the chairman) and their country and IJ or NJ certification. one per line
Phil Mostyn (AUS) IJ(Chairman) AUSPM25
Bruno Finzi (ITA) NJ
Franco Battistin (CRO) IJ CROFB1
Emilio Feliu Sera (ESP) IJ ESPEF5
Carlo Rolandi (ITA) IJ ITACR13
Totos Theodossiou (CYP) IJ CYPTT2
Josip Vehovec (CRO) IJ CROJV3
Phil Mostyn (AUS) IJ(Chairman) AUSPM25
Bruno Finzi (ITA) NJ
Franco Battistin (CRO) IJ CROFB1
Emilio Feliu Sera (ESP) IJ ESPEF5
Carlo Rolandi (ITA) IJ ITACR13
Totos Theodossiou (CYP) IJ CYPTT2
Josip Vehovec (CRO) IJ CROJV3